These past few months certainly have been uncharted waters for everyone including us physiotherapists. From the closures of our schools and non-essential businesses, to lines spaced out 2 meters apart to get our groceries, we have all done our part to help reduce the spread of this potent virus. We are now seeing the improvements that these measures have made, and are encouraged to see the cautious reopening of businesses in our province and country. Wellington Physiotherapy is putting in place measures now to plan for the day that we can start to welcome patients back into our clinic. Hopefully, we will soon receive the go ahead from the province, and we will be able to re-open our clinic.

The month of May is also important to Physiotherapists as it is ‘National Physiotherapy Month’. We want to first acknowledge the physiotherapists and all other frontline workers who have helped our society during these difficult times. We truly appreciate and value the tireless efforts they and all Canadians have made to flatten the curve, and reduce the spread of Covid-19. We welcome you to visit the Canadian Physiotherapy Association website and the Ontario Physiotherapy Association website to learn more about how physios help people in their everyday lives, during the pandemic and everyday.
We know that some of our clients experienced an abrupt stop to their therapy treatment. Although this was difficult, we know that it was the right thing to do. In efforts to adapt and continue supporting our clients, Wellington Physiotherapy has been providing treatment to our clients through virtual health. We have been receiving feedback from clients that this format of treatment helps them to remain on track with their therapy goals.
As we continue to plan for the future, the Ontario government is considering reopening Physiotherapy services within the next few weeks. It is important that you know that when this is possible, the health and safety of our clients will be our top priority. Guided by the Ontario College of Physiotherapy, our National Physiotherapy Association and the provincial ministry of Health, we will ensure that all the proper standards are met or exceeded. Some of the things we are currently incorporating are:
- Strict cleaning protocols
- Appropriate barriers
- Signing in while waiting in your vehicles
- Social distancing measures
- Personal Protective Equipment for all staff
We know that Covid-19 has changed how we all think, and recognize that there may be some trepidation about clinics and other businesses reopening. We, at Wellington Physiotherapy Associates, take these concerns seriously and want all our clients to know that the safety of our clients and staff is paramount. We are currently working to ensure that the transition will be measured and ensure the wellbeing of all.
Continuation of Virtual Rehab

For those who want to continue with virtual health you will be happy to know that this format of treatment will continue to be an option even after we are able to have patients back in the clinic. Telerehab has proven to be a useful tool and one that we are very happy to continue to provide to our clients.
We want to work together to get you better. Please reach out to us by phone (519) 824-8185 or email: with any questions or concerns, and we will be happy to help. Until we can see you again, we hope that you can go out and enjoy the beauty of this month. Stay healthy and safe.